Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Galaxy's Most Mediocre World Cup Preview

Yes, I wrote it, and like poor Rob's shot, the prose hits the post. Relax, I included a scantily-clad lady to distract you from the overflowing flaws.


Tengrain said...

Graves, you swine!

Ray's is the offical sponsor of the Clevelandistan team, right? That's why it's called footie, am I right?



David Barber said...

I like it Ran­dal, espe­cially your opti­mism on Eng­land get­ting that far. :-) I hope you had some money on your pre­dic­tions down at the bookies. You'll be gutted if they all come off and you didn't have a flutter.


Randal Graves said...

tengrain, we give a whole new meaning to the term 'foot in mouth.'

david, Miracle of '66 aside, not as if they haven't gotten that far before. Before spontaneously combusting. ;-)

As long as Brazil and Germany don't meet in the damn final, I just want some good football. Which means Brazil and Germany will probably meet in the damn final.

Laura said...

I could have done with out the "milfcake". :(
I'm feeling vulnerable about my bod today.

TomCat said...

That was a good analysis, Randal, and I thought so even before I saw the eye candy.

susan said...

I lived in London in 1966 (the 900th anniversary of the now forgotten Norman invasion) and personally experienced the madness of thousands of perennially frustrated footie fans. A repetition could be fatal.

Randal Graves said...

sunshine, relax, your milf status remains intact.

tomcat, eye candy always helps. I might even read Krauthammer if he started adding such things to his glue-sniffing.

susan, oh hell, England would blow up and sink below the North Sea waves.

Life As I Know It Now said...

Oh yah, well how old is that eye candy? Can't be too far away from 30 so of course she's still MILFable. So now I'll go cry my eyes out and leave you to your games...

Tom Harper said...

"The galaxie's most mediocre" -- I heard the one on Tralfamadore is even worse.

Christopher said...

The new stadium the South Africans built for 2010 World Cup looks absolutely amazing.

I'm not a fan but even I'm getting excited.

Demeur said...
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Demeur said...

Well it could be worse. The Mariners went to play baseball today and landed up with a football score 12 to 2. And they weren't the 12. Now don't you feel better?

Maybe I'll eat at Rays.

S.W. Anderson said...

Demeur, LOL, the Mariners will get better. Seems they've got nowhere to go but up.

Randall, I commented where you posted.

Commander Zaius said...

What every­one doesn’t know is exactly when the inevitable crash n’ burn will occur...

There was an English family down here in Disney World fussing with a Spanish family over something about the world cup. Way above my head and they kept jumping languages.

Thanks for the MILF cake, seeing a lot down here in Florida now.

BDR said...

I'm just not buying Spain. Maybe it was Barca v Inter, but Spanish soccer this year looked comfortably fat and happily unaware.

Anybody but Brazil, yo.

Randal Graves said...

liberality, Elle's around 50 and still lovely.

tom, bah, mine is the most mediocrest of them all.

christopher, you think that's swanky, you should see the shanty towns.

demeur, just tell yourself that at least the Mariners aren't the Indians, then you'll feel better.

okjimm, in my annual optimistic moment, I can see the MLS in time becoming a pretty decent league. We've got the raw materials in a large population.

BB, at least we're better than North Korea. Take that, Evil Axis!

BDR, there's a bit of wishful thinking in my picks (Netherlands over that Brazilian D?) but giving it some more thought, I'm afraid you're probably right. And you're definitely right in that last line.

Dr. Zaius said...

More scantily-clad ladies in you sports analysis' please!