Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Rust never sleeps?

Oh, you'll sleep, don't think you won't sleep!


zencomix said...

Hey, don't turn that TV off, rust was watching that. It was just resting its eyes during commercials.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Is that your jalopy, R.G.?

Randal Graves said...

hey zen, wanna keep it down? I'm trying to order Orange Glo and a set of Ginsu knives.

if, that's the dark, seedy underbelly of the piece of shit. Thankfully, I won't have to go into the basement hydroponics business in order to have it fixed.

Little known fact: civil servants don't make CIA cash.

Life As I Know It Now said...

Some vile and evil beings left another dent on the bumper of my beloved method of conveyance. I guess it goes with the gift the deer left on the other side. Oh yes, my ride is so classy let me tell you...;)

Commander Zaius said...

Thankfully, I won't have to go into the basement hydroponics business...

I say we all move to Washington State and start a marijuana business. I bet it will never suffer from recessions and fiscal cliffs.

Randal Graves said...

life, the animals are just showing their appreciation. Think of them as love taps.

BB, an excellent idea and, since we're not punkass 18-year olds, we would exude a gravitas, a trustworthiness that our kung fu is the best.

Demeur said...

I don't sleep much but I'm sure rusting nicely.

Tom Harper said...

"Rust never sleeps." And an island never cries. (Name that tune)

Nunly said...

My hair is more gray than my car is rusty, so how many miles does it take to get to Cincinnati when the wind in blowing east?

Randal Graves said...

demeur, you just need more oxygen.

tom, the pina colada song?

nunly, depends on how many candles and Marys there are.