Thursday, July 12, 2012


So, good folks, aside from carpet prophylactics, what angers up ye blood? Minus a million points for mention of POTUS, SCOTUS, SCROTUS, WORTHLUS.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Nutkin robbing the bird feeders PISSES ME OFF!

Omnipotent Poobah said...

Why? People get a little pissed off when Vaseline cuts production to jack up (no pun intended) the price.

Prunella Vulgaris said...

If this isn't a plea for more comments, I don't know what is.

Commander Zaius said...

My son bogarting the chips and salsa.

Randal Graves said...

if, geaux king of the forest, geaux!

OP, he's here all week people, enjoy the veal.

duchess, I just thought the mag's cover was a neat idea.

BB, that's why you tape over the label, writing LIVERWURST or something equally awful.

Anonymous said...

I blame Anger.

Kenneth Anger, to be specific.

okjimm said...

Nothing pisses me off....and that is what pisses me off!! I just can't get angry anymore.... and boy does that suck.... I wanna get mAD again... I wanna RAGE....BOY

Demeur said...

I'm pissed! There was no spam in your breakfast offering yesterday of bacon, pancakes, syrup, ham, syrup,
What would John Cleese say?

susan said...

How about 3 months worth of the management being able to show our apartment wo notice whenever they feel like it? I'm so glad we haven't given up afternoon sex.

Jim H. said...


Randal Graves said...

karl of the österreich, he ain't rising, nor your brother, he's your friend.

okjimm, think back to January, Packers-The Fucking Giants.

demeur, sorry, I have to push the pram a lot.

susan, that sounds like the bad plot to an even worse porno.

jim, oh sure, real easy to lay the blame on the Iron Sheik's pointy boots.

Life As I Know It Now said...

I am pissed off at my husband for not granting me a divorce pronto but trying to drag it the fuck out forever and ever over stupid little shit. I was screaming at him in my car (though he wasn't there of course) on the way to work this morning. I had to just yell that bitter stuff out of my system :)

Randal Graves said...

If you weren't such a hippie peacenik Buddhist, I'd totally suggest you go Conan on the clown, figuratively, of course.

Demeur said...

Sounds like somebody got a better divorce lawyer.

okjimm said...

okjimm, think back to January, Packers-The Fucking Giants.//

oh oh oh ... now AI am pissed that your brought that up

Laura said...

Phone bills with extra charges on them for features you don't even have.. and then.. it taking several calls to straighten it all out.
That really grinds my gears!
