Funny not really how precise jumps become drunk buzzed & disorderly drowned. DEATH TO FLYING THINGS. Ends, like days, are weeks that bleed together. See what I did there, Dracula, blood. Symmetric literary genius. I should write a novel, The 0-UP Kid. I'm sure some Very Important Prick [ed. note: no examples, please; different corpse, same embalming fluid] said a thing au moins 42% more HA than the last radio ga ga but I've got a bunch of Hammer reruns to rewatch in lieu of celebrating dead rich fucks' goo goo.
Y'know what Ronnie crooned about listening to fools.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Say you don't know me, you'll burn
Posted by
Randal Graves
8:24 AM
Labels: fenriz weekend, geekery, music
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I claim this blogue in the name of TRUE KVLT.
You can have it, 'tis only worth a nickel or two.
Here is my two cents.
There's melody in this song, therefore it's Metal For Girls!
life, bah, more like two quadrillion cents.
duchess, there's melody in everything I post, ergo, DARKTHRONE IST GIRLISH GLEE.
oh you know the chicks only dig Darkthrone because they think Fenriz is dreamy!
Y'know what Ronnie crooned about listening to fools.
That is the very reason I never listen to anything I say.
About as much melody as a ten car pile up on the 405. Is that how Metal it got its' name?
BB, bah. Something gets fucked, pass that buck.
demeur, you should probably stick to Kenny G lest ye hurt your ear innards.
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