Monday, April 30, 2012

Animal farm, or, big trouble in little China

This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but by being eaten alive by the animal kingdom in a mirror universe Faces of Death with an elephant or a weasel behind the camera


Prunella Vulgaris said...

All animals are equal, but some have more value than others!

Randal Graves said...

Only if they've mastered methodology. To the stars, space shuttle pilot!

Commander Zaius said...

Now I'm in the mood for General Tao's chicken.

Kim Cattrall was a serious babe in that movie.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Mister Lion says, "Bring me more wings!"

Jim H. said...

Dog: it's what's for dinner.
Chicken: it's what's for dinner.
Monkey: it's what's for dinner.
and so on...

It's the Chinese version of those little plastic food plates they show in Japanese restaurants for those who can't read the menu.

Laura said...

I'm reading this on my Blackberry and I believe I may be missing something. Are those "balls" around the chickens neck? I'm going to have to check this out on my computer tomorrow. I'm at volleyball right now. Do u like coming everywhere with me? I'm going to guess that u answered "no". ((Hugs)) laura

Laura said...
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susan said...

Where are their 'We Are the 99%' signs?

Randal Graves said...


if, at least this will give the Duchess a chance to imitate this guy. Like to see anyone return their books late now.

jim, the oldest knows Japanese pretty well, better get her started on Chinese. I'm tired of monkey, and they never serve hippo.

laura, someone lifted the top of the rooster's noggin, and that's the remaining bottom.

Why do you hate your children?

susan, stolen by the 1% or, more likely, Lo-Pan.

Demeur said...

How did I miss Clevelanistan's most famous tourist attraction? Wang's Chinese theater and whorehouse.

anita said...

We have these kinds of exhibits up here all the time, or rather a bit north, in Woodstockistan and Saugertie-O'garlic-O'Stan. (both being "stans" in the purist sense of the word (or word fragment ... or suffix .. whatever). The last one was painted dogs. (Reasonable facisimiles of dogs that is, not "real" dogs.) Some can be pretty wild.

S.W. Anderson said...

Randal, once again you've flunked the cheery thought for the day test. BTW, are the concrete critters an update of the old plastic lawn flamingos kitsch?

Randal Graves said...

demeur, can tell you're an outsider, not one mention of Jimmy D's tiki bar.

anita, I'm thinking this is the Chinese Zodiac (there were some electric company folks blocking the rest of the way, but extrapolating leads to voila), but you've gotta get some visual evidence of future Stanism.

SWA, I've got oodles of cheery thoughts, I simply don't share them on the interwebs, but funny you should mention those as a local suburg is famous for those.