Friday, December 3, 2010

Arsenic and old lace

Any edumacated guesses as to when begin feasibility studies of this as a bioweapon? I say yesterday.

"So nasty, it'll kill ya twice!" 

Feds, a suggestion: instead of testing it on an unsuspecting & innocent populace, unleash it on the Cavs' olé D.

P.S. Can you all check your milk cartons? We seem to have lost a J.J. Hickson.


David Barber said...

I hope the wife aint got any of that bacteria in her body.....her life insurance will have been a complete waste of money!! Ha!! Only joking, so don't tell her.

Randal Graves said...

HA! Fifty bucks ain't worth a new identity and a life on the run.

Ethan said...

io9 has already used the phrase "industrial applications" when talking about it, so, you know.

Randal Graves said...

Looks like I picked the wrong week to start sniffing gasoline.

Cool article, thanks, sir. As with any discovery, some will be helped, and some will be nuked, heh.

Laura said...

What happened to your Cav's last night???
I came upstairs after watching Vampire Diaries & Fringe and hubby had the game on!
Did they just roll over and die or what???

I hope the Raptors don't pull that shit when Bosh comes to town...


Tom Harper said...

Cool new bioweapon. Flesh-eating bacteria is a lot cheaper than trillions of dollars worth of guns, missiles and bombs (and that planes that drop them). And we can watch The Enemy die a slow hideous death while they're walking around screaming, their faces half eaten.

Serves them right, them swarthy Muslims.

Tengrain said...

Graves, you swine!

So, you've decided to reveal the source of Famous Ray's suppliers, eh?



susan said...

I read they may also find applications for the stuff as biofuel. If you think pumping your own gas is nasty now, just imagine..

La Belette Rouge said...

I was hoping that link was going to take me to a picture of Cary Grant. Yes, I know it wouldn't make sense, but a gal can dream.:-)

Commander Zaius said...
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Commander Zaius said...

Arsenic-eating bacteria can't be any worse than my mom-in-law's turkey.

Randal Graves said...

sunshine, it was an unholy concoction of no talent and not giving a fuck. That's like shaking nitroglycerin in a supervillain's lair, man.

tom, speaking of supervillains, I want to know when an enterprising one is going to come up with a politician-specific strain. Sure, the power vacuum will be filled with unfiltered dullards and lunatics until the next generation of filtered dullards and lunatics take over, but man, what a sweet 37 days that would be.

susan, oh, chicken little, I'm sure it'll be proven safe, just like DDT.

LBR, I had a few other stills chosen, some of which included him, but why sully my blog with someone more handsome than I? ;)

BB, zing!

I fully expect you to be receiving a call from DARPA in the next day or so.

Cormac Brown said...

I think Lebron should buy a huge batch of this stuff, for every time he has to dine in Cleveland.

lisahgolden said...

Maybe that new life form can replace us as we stupid ourselves off the face of the Earth.

Dr. Zaius said...

Forget the scientists - "Arsenic and Old Lace" was the best movie ever! I want to grow to be just like Jonathan Brewster.