Thursday, May 5, 2011
Since the dawne of thime, man hath yearned, whilst starr-gaze-ing, to destroie thou-know-what
Pus-mantia, mag-astromancer, with ghastlee efficacy of blindynge monstrositie & no curables for the unlawfull curse of walk-ing to worke in the direction of Mahomet & westernesse fromm, towards popery, a conspiracee of strange adjacent countries, the scold rampant hath been posed & puzzl'd, mysterie undonne, with no antidotery but the goodlie physicke de-scribed herein.
Posted by
Randal Graves
8:33 AM
Labels: ansel's spinning corpse
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Is that sunshine? We even got some down here!
since the yawn of time? What? Hey... watch out for those trees... Osama bin Squirrel maybe hiding, see.
if, bloodie awfull, 'tis.
okjimm, to be honest, I'm not that concerned about him.
Here begynneth ye scycle or chaunge of ye mone with ye confuncyon, and sheweth what daye, houre, mynute, sygne, and degre, ye mone shall chaunge. Also ye maye knowe the eclypse of the sonne and mone from the date of our lorde. And truely corrected by a true copye with great dylygence.
The worlds proceeding woes and succeeding joyes
1. In cruell warres and vehement plagues.
2. In happy peace and unity amongst all living creatures. Or, the triple presage of Henry Alsted, (a man every way most learned) depending as well on the oracles of heaven, as on the opinions of the greatest astrologers. With an addition of the fiery conjunction of Saturn and Iupiter, this instant February; denouncing many calamities to the world, or certaine regions thereof. In which discourse, is discovered the opinions of many learned men concerning Christs personall reign upon earth, and confirmed by the most comfortable prophecie of Tycho Brahe, touching the most blessed age even now at hand.
Too knowe the eclypse of the sonne and mone from the date of our lorde carryes upone its breath dangeriticall worde and thoase wordes are of payle Hecate, reache exceding graspe, heare, heare, heare, heare, a vvord or message from heaven: to all Covenant breakers (whom God hates) with all that hath committed that great sinne, that is, as the sinne of witch-craft. The great God that is most high and infinite, that hath the command of heaven and earth, and of all therein; who hath taken to himselfe that liberty as not to give an account of any of his matters to any of his creatures; and this is the power of his excellency which he holdeth forth for all our learning in his word, and his liberty God hath given to kings on earth: and none may say to the King, what dost thou? And now that Gods commandements hath not been observed, but the power resisted, it is high time that they were.
Thatte is a verry nice pikturre. Eerie but stilll pretteye.
You had better be careful, young man! Walking to work in the sunshine and looking at the beauty that surrounds you, may put you in a good mood before work and you'll find yourself saying nice things and being helpful to the students who you normally loathe. You don't want to ruin your snarly reputation that took so long to build!
tom, eerye be-cause the sonne bring divills of the daye, patronns.
nunly, I worked long and hard to be this predictably monochrome, think I'm simply going to toss all that away?
Prithee, kynde fellow knave, if thou dost cross into the halls of aforesaid Librarie with clothynge from the Distant Hawaiians and with the infernal musick of a certain man named Buffett, thou shalt be compelled to sit thyself in a Cave of Bats where there be not Lyghte of Our Lord's sun and shall kneel before the Mighty Darkthrone in Grievous Penance.
Forsooth, in all realitie, such Sonnelight is most excellent and beneficial to our pallid physick and provideth most graciously the means to document our Faire Towne.
In all seriousness, I like the lighting and angles here. Swanky.
Pleasant visual, but the accompanying text is . . .
I'll get back to you when something fitting comes to mind.
What is this make up words day? Think I'll wait for the phone txt version.
The sun you say makes its' presents known. Oh you'll pay dearly for that with tornadoes and water spouts coming soon to a morning near you. Thor and Zeus in mortal combat amongst the clouds for you.
thatgirl, but verily shant it not bee true if upon mine showlder I carry a parroting bird from yon Caribe lands, and sacralfice the fore-mentioned avian beast upon the Desk of a Greatly Messe, will not the Almightee Fenriz beestow upon the Peonage some-thing upon which the envy of the Yeomanry boyles in their blode?
The angle of the street & trees to the rising sun is almost perfect. Too bad one only has to cock his/her/its head a scant few degrees to see the Towering Slab.
SWA, swine! Hath yr scurvie act'd up?
demeur, yet another dose of inside jokery, all part of my nefarious plan to drive away readers even further.
Can Mjolnir "accidentally" take down certain structures?
Still and all, it's good to have a nice walk without being weighed down by wyntyrre wearre.
Yeah, I suppose in small doses it's okay. But don't be making a habit of it, sonne.
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