Thursday, March 18, 2010

Extremely important employment-related paradigm shifting

Magical ball-control ray. Not pictured: Doug Henning.

Doug Henning would be proud of such prestidigitation.

Just get some of that Canucklehead curl, then hat tricks aplenty.

Oh, almost forgot about basketballery:
Kentucky waxes Fucking Duke, Kansas outlasts, oh, why not, Butler (go, midmajors, go), then a collection of talent beats John Wall.

Before I take leave of thee, I'm currently in a library-wide meeting (one must take advantage of a student body-less spring break) but if you are interested in the nuts and bolts of a well-oiled book depository, and I know you are, simply watch the live feed below.


Unknown said...

Dude..I am so not into bracketology.

MRMacrum said...

Well at least you aren't in Alcapuco wandering around trying not to get shot.

Laura said...

I was too scared to watch the video!

"Canucklehead curl"?? Is that kinda like the "cracker fro" from the first 35 years of my life????


Christopher said...

Basketball is the epitome of floccinaucinihilipilification.

Holte Ender said...

Isn't Messi a piece of work. He has a good relationship with all the muses.

Randal Graves said...

dusty, me neither, I just watch the games. I much prefer the NBA, but I'll still root for Ohio State.

mrmacrum, that's on tap for the weekend.

sunshine, oh come on, it's fun for the whole family!

All hail Doug Henning and his magical cracker Canuck fro.

christopher, dude, you watch baseball. If anything's nothing, 'tis that. C'mon.

holte, thanks to work, I had to wait for the damn replay at 11h30pm, but it was worth it. The dude is ridiculous.

susan said...

I think that's video from the party our neighbors had last weekend.

Tengrain said...

Graves, you swine!

Your musical selections are improving.

Eat at Roy's!



Christopher said...

I only watch basketball when the Advil PM fails to work.

Tom Harper said...

A "library-wide meeting" -- now you leave Larry Craig out of this.

Commander Zaius said...

...nuts and bolts of a well-oiled book depository...

You're just trying to scare the teabggers now.

...Alcapuco wandering around trying not to get shot.

Ah come on Mike, where is your sense of adventure?

Demeur said...

And who says librarians have no fun? But that's it! you heathens, we're sending over Pat Robertson to straighten you out. Or maybe you'll land up perverting him.

Sue Carroll said...

I can't watch Judge Judy because of college basketball.

Also, Dr. Phil.

I mostly watch them for the commercials, because I am fascinated by that bathtub with a door built into the side of it. How does that not leak? and you have to sit in the cold empty tub while it fills up? Because you can't open that door if the tub has water in it already.

I want to see that commercial again, to see if I get any answers.

S.W. Anderson said...

C'mon, Randal. First you turn us off with basketballery, albeit with blessed brevity. Then, you follow up with inside-library dreck?

What next, sexual perversions involving denture cream and fried scallops?

Randal Graves said...

susan, oh, you've got those kind of neighbors.

tengrain, thanks to Beelzebub!

christopher, I'd watch baseball, but I'm afraid I'd never wake up from the coma.

tom, you had to go there, didn't you.

BB, I'll just tell the teabaggers we have a copy or three of the bible. I'm sure they won't shoot us then.

demeur, we want no part of that lunatic save his vast bank account.

übermilf's 99 cent disguise, jeez, you never heard of a little thing called black magic? Didn't you watch the video?

SWA, I can't help it that I'm so cultured.

Cormac Brown said...

Was that you with the Beckham voodoo doll?

Distributorcap said...

i have murray state all the way

Dr. Zaius said...

I love the video! Very French. ;o)