Thursday, April 14, 2011

Since the dawn of time, man has yearned to destroy the sun, or, video killed the radio star

Like seat number 001, C. Montgomery Burns, I'm no fanatic of our life giver (though thanks for goosing amino acid sequences & preparing future [& current, a whole other metaphor] red giantism), but it's good for purty picture taking, one of the few creative arts along with caffeine-fueled snark actually enjoyable with a home slice or pal or whatever's the whipper snapper slang, but since synaptic pathways forgot that a certain ethnic comrade is shifting graveyard earth today & it's no fun poking fun at the un-fun free stamp or halls of power bunga bunga by one's lonesome, I could cry. Oh, the melodrama's a hoax, relax, I'll be happy processing periodicals.

Here's an oldie (not really) but a baddie (the shot, not the fuzzy & feathery little animals, though a middle finger to the other two squirrels that scampered out of shot just as I clicked don't make me hide your acorns, you li'l bastards):

Here's an oldie (really) but a goodie:

Cthulhuspeed, Joe.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Go ahead and hide their acorns, the little bastards.

At least you can depend on the robins...

Anonymous said...

Today's choices for lunch at The Big Bang Cafe:

- Primordial Soup
- The GATTACA (sprouts and soy protein on rice cakes; vegemite spread optional)
- Juniper Berry Torte

signed, your humble host, Stevie Hoch-King

Randal Graves said...

if, at least the deer quietly mooch off the grass, but that's made up by stealing from the garbage can.

karl of the österreich, ich bin hungrig, aber Soylent Green sind die Menschen.

that girl said...
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that girl said...

Be like the squirrel, Brave Peon!

Randal Graves said...

Verily, working with certain substitutes is often the hardest button to button, Miss Vulgaris. But, cookies!

okjimm said...

oh wow... you posted a song I can relate to.....and an artist that is almost as old as I am.

S.W. Anderson said...

The key to squirrelography is to carry and deftly share unsalted peanuts in the shell.

What? You think they work for free?

Tom Harper said...

Cthulhuspeed -- LOL. I've gotta remember that one.

How do you say Cthulhu with a southern accent? What would be the Cthulhu version of "Lawd, it's a miracle!"

susan said...

I thought the squirrels and the robins were playing a pick-up football game.

Randal Graves said...

okjimm, I post all that death metal for you, man.

SWA, private property is sacredly sacred, they can't just be traipsing all over my lot. No matter, once global capitalist society collapses and the canned goods run out, squirrel steaks aplenty.

tom, HPL occasionally used crazy NE backwoods patois, but I'm gonna have to think long and hard about this one.

susan, you might be right. One of them looks to be diving.

Commander Zaius said...

Squirrel sauteed in Marsala wine with wild mushrooms and brown rice is the best in Redneck cuisine.

Anonymous said...

I hear they're great done in a pop-corn popper.

And I love that real old country blues, when nobody bothered counting and they changed chords when they damned well felt like it!

Demeur said...

Oh no, not more ear shattering sounds. My ears are in a constant state of ringing from the 60's acid rock already. Does that make me a hippy? Any good recipes for squirrel on toast? At least they're not plastic.

Randal Graves said...

BB, what? Not tread-streaked raccoon?

TCR, plus, none of that cthulhuawful Conway Twitty vocal twang. Yeesh.

demeur, plastic squirrel meals! If people will willingly scarf down Funyuns, they'll scarf down anything. I'll make a fortune!

Dr. Zaius said...

How did you get the squirrels to play basketball?