If this isn't proof that our Grand Clusterfuck was worth it, I don't know what is.
Not all anniversary assessments were as upbeat as Bush's. A Washington Post-ABC News poll showed nearly two-thirds of Americans believe the war was not worth waging.
Told about the poll result in an interview with ABC's "Good Morning America," Vice President Dick Cheney, in Oman after a visit to Iraq, said: "So?"

Awesome! Totally awesome! All right, Cheney!
That sums it all up. Bush and Cheney don't give a damn what the American people think.
(I can't believe what I just deleted from this comment...I need to take a break from the computer for awhile.)
Dude, that pic is perfect for that quote.
(I'm not still banned here, am I? I really think Duke sucks. Does that help?)
ME, yes, please do. I don't want you blowing up in a fiery hellstorm of biblical proportions.
dean, hey, my best friend on the entire planet is a Steelers fan, so I very well can't ban you and your Bobby Hurley jersey, now can I. ;-)
Cheney's gonna get the 'Asshole of the Week' award, I swear. Prick!
Cheney's an effing cyborg.
I still do not understand how these two guys are still walking around free. I think they both should have been impeached.
"So?" indeed. Who cares what a bunch of peons thinks? As long as the powerbrokers at Exxon and Halliburton are happy, everything is A-OK.
You are all lucky you are Americans.
Then again maybe I am lucky.
Yeah, I saw a snippet of the interview with Dickhead, tonight on the evening news. So much for a "government of the people, by the people, and for the people..."
was that his way of saying "let them eat cake"? what a wipe he is!
all, I'm sensing a theme. It's barely noticeable, but the faintest whiff of animosity towards His Royal Branchness is permeating your comments. I just don't get it. Tom is right. If those special people are happy, we'll be happy, because we'll get some of that sweet, sweet trickle down.
You all should be ashamed of yourselves.
RG, I am sooo ashamed for having such loathsome feelings for these two criminals. That is what they are, no? Like the rest of the world, We The People are starting to see that they are accountable to no one and have never been held accountable.
So yeah, I'm ashamed. Can you ever forgive me?
I don't know, man *sniff* I just don't know.
I am appreciating what Wylde said to a certain extent. Yes, we could above it far worse, but I am ashamed to live in such a consumeristic megalopoly that takes more than its fair share of the earth's resources and is doing so much damage with its fossil fuel use. With children of my own (I am a hypocritical breeder/ consumer,) I am very concerned about their quality of life on this planet, and I just think that we are focusing on the wrong things if preserving our American lifestyle if what we want.
Oh, and I think Cheney is a mother fucking, scum sucking liar that needs to be tried for crimes against humanity yesterday.
That should have been "have," not "above." (I have a rare form of dyslexia which makes one juxtapose words rather than letters. Make that transpose rather than juxtapose. Damn, I thought I was kidding.
Oh, you know you wanna rub Cheney's bald head, just like the Chimpy does.
I saw the clip on Jon Stewart last night. What a jerk. It just goes to show the arrogant attitude this administration has always had -"who cares what the population thinks, we are going to do what we want no matter what. Democracy? We don't need no stinkin' democracy!"
I think most leaders, in time, can't help but suffer a bit from the "I'm above the little people" syndrome, but these guys, especially this jackass, have turned it into an art form.
You've got to love that. And so quick to read , too.
Everyone else here has summed it up well. Sorry, I haven't been around. Still wrestling with my books for the IRS. I must remember to start logging my numbers for my small business NOW, instead of waiting until the last minute. But I'm really a people person... and paperwork is not my forte. Well, that's my excuse anyway.
I just want to say Hi to Everyone!
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