Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hey, what smells like smoke?
Is this thing on?
Do I care?
Not really?
Am I sure?
That's it?

Apparently, the land of tea and crumpets isn't thinking of the children.

A recall? Oh well, time to break out the big boy.

Sometimes quantity really is better than quality.


MRMacrum said...

Now that is what I'd call a true surgical strike type weapon. Certainly more intimidating than a model airplane with missles.

Holte Ender said...

Doug Henningism? Show me the magic.

Demeur said...

And just how far can you chuck a baby with that Baby?

Randal Graves said...

mrmacrum, agreed, but a remote-controlled airplane loaded with M-80s in the hands of a skilled operator can wreak some serious havoc.

holte, patience. I'm still working on my magic Canuck 'fro.

demeur, that's the question. I'm willing to sacrifice distance for smashing power.

S.W. Anderson said...

Randal, did you build that catapult to better deal with your annoying neighbor?

Mary Ellen said...

Very cool video...thanks for stoking my fear of flying. ;-)

Mary Ellen said...

Oh..and I left you some hot pants at my blog, as you requested.

Commander Zaius said...

Somebody on that plane really pissed God off.

Tom Harper said...

"What smells like smoke?" That must be one of them Zen thingies, you know, like "the sound of one hand clapping."

Omnipotent Poobah said...

When I was in the Air Force my plane got hit by lightning. Damn charge visibly traveled through some wiring leapt across to the other side and continued on it's way out the tail where it burned a small hole. Scared me shitless.

Randal Graves said...

SWA, I'm close enough to lob garbage through his window. But since that would land me in trouble with John Law, I don't. Otherwise, I would.

nunly, I live to spread misery. ;-)

And since you do as well, I'm sure the hot pants are on a dude.

BB, the bones of Ben Franklin were on board.

tom, if a forest catches on fire and no one is around to see it, did it really burn down?

OP, dude, that happens, I'm landing on the nearest highway and grabbing a cold one at the closest roadside dive.

Dr. Zaius said...

Why would anyone buy a baby sling? Where do they intend to throw the child, exactly?