Thursday, March 25, 2010


Kudos, Californistan.

La dernière semaine, I was rightly disappointed in my hometown. Now, I'm rightly *chortle* disappointed in suburban cracker mob protestarianism. All this throwing cash at diseased lawnsitters and faxing nooses to congressfuckers is no doubt a good time, but the cutting of a gas line produced a Darwin Award-worthy end for not even one yokel.

C'mon, something equally rich in schadenfreude or don't be calling yourselves revolutionaries any longer. You all diddle around as much as a Catholic priest. Bloody cowards.


susan said...

I don't have anything of equal quality to add this morning but your contribution to my continuing disillusion with the species is appreciated.

Tengrain said...

Graves, you swine!

The teabaggers are doing the best they can, what with Trig's Mom as their leader.

Eat at Roy's!



Cormac Brown said...

Epic ghost-ride fail.

Holte Ender said...

Which Darwin is this award named after, the eminent scientist or the guy that lives two doors down from me?

Life As I Know It Now said...

Remember when just wearing an anti-Bush tee shirt or having a liberal bumper sticker would get you arrested or harassed by law enforcement? What the fuck happened is what I wanna know? Oh right, when we protest it's unAmerican and should be punished but when right wingnut America does something they are establishing their god given American rights to protest.

Randal Graves said...

susan, always ready to lend a helping hand.

tengrain, not a single hand blown off! They just don't make angry white people like they used to. Hmph.

cormac, humans are so comical.

holte, does your neighbor have a very large beard?

liberality, watch it. I'm posting armed next time.

Laura said...

I don't know.... I started getting worried when they all lifted and attempted to turn the car over.
Probably better if they just go and smoke a joint instead... :P


Commander Zaius said...

...suburban cracker mob protestarianism...

Yeah, this political shit is getting really deep and damn dangerous. We have come to the point that one crazy shit could start a cascade of blood flowing all across the country.

okjimm said...

gees..... reminded me of drivers in my hometown.....

okjimm said...

and Tengrain.... I think its 'Ray's' not Roy's.... but it is Cleveland... what's a vowel--- one way or another?

... Hey... it could be Cloveland? Might spice the place up!

Mary Ellen said...

Great, now you go and stoke the fear I have of being a race car driver. Thanks a lot.

La Belette Rouge said...

Stupidity gives me a headache. The headache makes me stupid. The circle is complete.
I am having to stay away from the news and all the people who are terrified of health care. I am eating Aspirin like M&M's.

Tom Harper said...

That Darwin Awards candidate must be a Republican. Either that or he was smoking some of that evil weed from Californistan.

Utah Savage said...

I tweet my angst away and have turned to writing porn.

Demeur said...

Hey Okjimm you might have something there. When you're voted the worst city in America just change your name. Oh that's right they don't have enough money to change all the letterheads. Never mind!

S.W. Anderson said...

Anonymous (see above) should enter a Darwin Award contest and win — posthumously.

Christopher said...


No one "diddles" like a pedophile Catholic priest.

The future Pope Benedict XVI, AKA, Pope RatNAZI, was kept more or less apprised of a sexual abuse case in Germany than previous church statements have suggested, raising fresh questions about his handling of a scandal unfolding under his direct supervision before he rose to the top of the church’s hierarchy.

Then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the future pope and champion of the largest pedophile ring on earth, was archbishop in Munich at the time, was informed that a priest, whom he had approved sending to therapy in 1980 to overcome pedophilia, would be returned to pastoral work within days of beginning psychiatric treatment.

Here's where the grotesque and evil culture of Catholicism gets juicy. The priest was later convicted of molesting boys in another parish.

It should be clear to everyone, even those who stridently defend these freaks, that there should be conditions placed on men who join the church. For starters, they should be castrated before given a collar to parade around in. Second, like gambling and strip joints, no one under the age of 21 should be allowed in a Catholic church.

As I advise my readers, no parent or guardian should ever let their child -- especially, a boy child or a teenager, alone with a priest. To do so is the height of parental irresponsibility.

MRMacrum said...

I know what it is. Randal's alter ego pads his comment count by sending himself anonymous squares with commas to break up the boredom.

Dude, you really need to talk to your alter ego. He doesn't seem to be on the same page as you.

Of course I don't think anyone is often on the same page as you. But regarding your post this day, I would say I am.

Randal Graves said...

sunshine, that's always the better thing to do.

BB, and I don't even own a pair of galoshes.

okjimm, Cloveland? Wasn't that movie with the giant Godzilla ripoff?

nunly, just wear a suit of plate mail. You'll be fine.

LBR, just think, you're one headache away from protesting something, like LA, for instance.

tom, hey now, don't disparage the herb by mentioning it and goopers in the same thought.

utah, porn, you say?

demeur, we've got that big Free stamp. Take that, San Francisco, Boston and New York.

Forget it, SWA, it's Chinatown.

christopher, the church conducts investigation and oversight as well as the feds.

mrmacrum, if you're on the same page, does that mean I have to go fix bikes? I don't think I'd be very good at it.

Fr. John Mary, ISJ said...

Be careful about putting all of us Catholic priests in the same category...I have not, nor will ever, "diddle" a child, adult or anything else!
As for the Pope, better get some other info, Christopher. With all due respect, the NYTimes is not exactly giving you the full story here...
Just giving you another side of the story.

Dr. Zaius said...

Ack! That reminds me of the McCain/Palin campaign. ;o)