Saturday, March 27, 2010

You salty dogs


Boehner orange.

What color is your rock salt, New York? Boston? Chicago? Oh, that's right, you're still using pasty white cracker banality while we're a non-stop neon Mardi Gras.

America's most miserable city? Chortle.


David Barber said...

Woah, psychedelic man... ;-)

Randal, are they your first two photos with you new camera?

BTW, we have the shitty brown grit salt up here the dirties your car the day after you've cleaned it and the boring white stuff for the pavements (sidewalks).

Looking forwards to some naked old biddy shots....not! :-)

Laura said...

My town has white. We're not cool like you. :P

Where's the nude shots??? Hmmmm....


Tengrain said...

Graves, you swine!

Why is there salt on the sidewalk? Don't tell me that Clevelanders are so broke that they are eating concrete now!



Unknown said...

Most miserable city is kinda a subjective thang ain't it?

Living amongst the rednecks and extreme rightwing nutters here in Bako really fucking sucks Randal. ;p

La Belette Rouge said...

No rock salt here. Well, I do have some Sal de mer and grey salt that I got at Whole Foods. Does that count?

Randal Graves said...

david, I figured what would be a more perfect image of my town than a combination of grey and rock salt.

Brown rock salt? You sure it's salt and not just crusty old dirt? Or ground up crusty old ladies?

sunshine, of course your town isn't cool. It's in Canada. ;-)

tengrain, don't knock it 'til you try it, Julia Child. Concrete slabs provide much needed roughage.

dusty, hey, I'm only going by what a famous magazine said, and who am I to distrust our precious media?

LBR, if you sprinkle it on your sidewalk to ward off the icy demeanor of your fellow Californistanians, then yes.

Commander Zaius said...

Rock salt on roads? In my shot gun yeah, got to keep all the nasty revenuers away.

Laura said...

Hey Graves...
Bite me. :P
You are just SO jealous that I'm Canadian and you're not...

Life As I Know It Now said...

we are past the salt stage here in Indiana. They glue the salt to the roads here too which rusts out our means of transportation very quickly. However, I've seen pink salt on our sidewalks this past winter.

okjimm said...

What color is my rock salt? Dunno... lemmee pull down my pants and I'll get back to you.

Holte Ender said...

You get yourself a state of the art 21st century digital camera and don't take pictures of anything Cavalier?

David Barber said...

Randal, sshhhh! Yes, its ground up crusty old bids that gave me the finger. They don't take long to gind down. :-)

TomCat said...

In Portland, we rarely, if ever need it.

Anonymous said...

Ours here is red... go figure... instead of putting red bulbs in the light posts, they just use red salt...

I wonder if they are trying to say something?

Tom Harper said...

"Boner Orange?" OMG, don't even ask about the visual I just got when I typed that.

Omnipotent Poobah said...

Mine's sorta sun colored, but then we don't get much snow in SF.

S.W. Anderson said...

In the '70s and '80s, the city engineer here deemed plows too expensive to use with any regularity. He preferred dosing streets, roads and bridges with salt. Tons and tons of white rock salt, sometimes with large, flinty, arrowhead-shaped stones mixed in for added body-damage potential. I'm convinced his kin must've owned a salt mine somewhere, and that he was getting kickbacks from body shops.

Many a vehicle and driver suffered the consequences of this idiocy, not just because of corrosion. Oh no, people were getting high centered or hopelessly stuck on black ice rises and in deep snow. That was because, as we heard several times each long, snowy winter, the temperature was too cold for the salt to work properly.

Years of heavy salting also took a toll on bridges, helping make some really expensive repair projects necessary.

A few difficult years after that city engineer finally retired, his replacement rediscovered plowing as a snow strategy. Not that the city had enough equipment or got on it early enough, or kept big snowfalls under control all that well. But at least it wasn't all salt all the time. Oh, and somewhere a whole lot of salt miners got laid off.

Now, the city uses a liquid corrosive that's supposed to be less damaging to cars and pavement. Ahem.

susan said...

Next time you try to take a picture of your new sneakers just hold the camera a bit further out and tilt the front bit down.

MRMacrum said...

Why am I not surprised the first images Randal comes up with are of Cleveland concrete?

Dude, I want to see flames on the river.

Utah Savage said...

I never leave my bunker so I have no idea.

I echo MRMcrumb. I'm not surprised at salted concrete and fence shadow, but I DO want flames on the river.

Also, it looks to me like precious tax payer money is being squandered on excessive salt on a sunny day with all sign of actual ice long gone.

Demeur said...

Out here we get moss. Mmmm moss and concrete but where's the half pound of butter Julia?

And I want to see flaming river pictures too.

Mary Ellen said...

I don't care what color it is, as long as I can get the shit off my car before it turns into a pile of rust.

And, WTH? Pictures of salt on a sidewalk? What's next, pictures of dog poo?

Demeur said...

Oh god Mary Ellen don't give him any ideas!

Randal Graves said...

One shot of flaming dog poo coming right up!

Dr. Zaius said...

My rock salt is white, just as god intended! ;o)