Being comprised of one single beauty & one married beast offers Peonage Local no. 13 ample opportunity to constructively gloss the richly disturbing psychoses of relationshippery & lo, yester noon, I queried the female half, who had just suffered through a typically weak attempt at patron-employee winking nudgery, if the successful pickup line exists only in a world of make-believe with flowers & bells & leprechauns & magic frogs with funny little hats.
With the Duchess slipping into deep contemplation, or eye-rolling, I'm still not sure which, the Earl proffered, as an illustration of said query, an example of testosterone's proclivity towards the visual, presented to the gentle reader in a one-act-play, which was the style at the time:
Through a smoky Marlboro haze, METAL DORK sees METAL CHICK sporting a Slayer tee, and though low on wily charm like all dorks, metal or otherwise, has imbibed just enough beer to approach Marshall stack romancing with cautionary caution.
Needless to say, the humor inherent in absentmindedly choosing
Raining Blood as the answer to a fumbled question, an unintentional allusion to menstruation quickly interpreted as such by the sharper (or more straunge, I'm still not sure which) half of the Peonage, & the subsequent face punching, was lost in translation.
[ed. note 1: okay, maybe it was only funny to us]
[ed. note 2: I wasn't actually punched in the face, just METAL DORK]
[ed. note 3: in order to rescue this failure -- to you 'cause we chortled & wheezed all shift though it's possible the Kynge's Brewe was spiked or there was a lack of oxygen -- of a post, here's the usual imitation photo essay]
Practicing his pickup lines.
Relax. My bottle has a cap.
Bunker mentality.
Yet another abandoned storefront.
Has it on tape.
What happens in the sewing shop stays in the sewing shop.
Rainbow connection.
The Boehner is all the rage on campus these days.
You can't get high off that. Trust me.
Bummed, because this was much more neon to the naked eye.
Of course I have spirits piped directly to the Batcave. Connections, baby.
The Towering Slab's seedy underbelly.