Spiked, fourth of fifth. No, not this that; too obvious, that. Yeah, that that, thirty-eight going on eighteen. Splitting hairs, each a liquifier. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid -- oh, but I don't control, so I don't fly the bomber, yet who can resist such a magnetic water body but the dead? I'd bang my coded head on the wall if I didn't have to clean splatter from between the keys. Contemplation, solitude, storming brain, ink is no lightning rod. Nor poison; quantify the unquantifiable or make-believe make-sense; not those thats either, rather that -- that again -- most tired of conceits. How fresh the ancient seems, always, when new to the perennially confused, the damned that never wilt long enough to reflect, the beautiful molting into the ridiculous, for all time. Detach, & you can laugh at this juvenile convivio. I would, but remain stuck in stupid, stupid, stupid, same as pin, same as needle, ever was. I'm going to laugh now, loud, without discipline.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
And it rolls off the tongue, almost
Posted by
Randal Graves
1:29 AM
Labels: i couldn't sleep at all last night doo doo doo doo doo, it's just rain fine try and kill it, jeremiah was a bullfrog, music, narcissism
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Blatherings of a drunken insomniac have we? Haven't done that since college days.
Caffeine, man, nothing boozy about it, merely much needed brain spillage.
I care a lot about my morning yerba mate, but I've developed an apathy toward the noble coffee bean. Decades of serfdom under its bitter rule, and all that.
Oh, god, I'm one of those perennially confused. I blame the cats.
"If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane."
— Jimmy Buffett
Its 12:15pm and I'm fifteen minutes late on popping the top on my first Landshark for Saturday.
Graves, you swine!
I understand you can get a fine cuppa Joe at Famous Ray's. Literally.
Head spinning from caffeine followed by multiple cups of ice tea leaves me agreeing with the cat lady on this one. Pidded.
So far my caffeine has not gotten me to accept the fact that it's Saturday afternoon.
I'm switching from coffee to green tea, and if that doesn't work, I'll try Beach Bum's medicine.
I'm the cat lady now. It's official.
I'm confused.
I'll be the Walrus.
karl of the österreich, understandable, though given that our chain-of-command betters à la bibliothèque view the subversive drink with the same disdain as the authorities upon the dawn of the coffee house, we must continue imbibing.
lisa, you do realize that being the Official Cat Lady of the Internets™ will not gain you neither silver dollars nor doubloons.
BB, given that it's nearly six hours later, you best be nice & blotto.
tengrain, we use every part of the catch of the day.
susan, have you tried spinning in reverse to counter the effects?
if, it's Saturday?
jim, you say that like it's a bad thing.
if, no Carpenter for me. I don't own a saw & I hate oysters.
Is THAT what's between the keys on my keyboard?
Brain splatter...
Now it's Sunday, and I've been trying to go back to sleep for hours.
Hey, at least there's pretty lightning outside.
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