Friday, August 12, 2011
Ynsyde joque theatre presentes, The Ballade of Vodka Zeppelin
There's a booklie house in Cleveland
They call the setting sun
Been the ruin of many a Peon,
And God, I know we're one. (n>2 , actually)
All I wanted was a lunchroom
Would not give it to me
Just one lunchroom, no damn Pepsi --
Fuck, 'tis a-b-x-b.
Who's to blame, you, or them, or me --
For wretched rhymes within?
No, for these wretched souls without,
Work of the Vodka Zeppelin.
Posted by
Randal Graves
7:48 AM
Labels: ansel's spinning corpse, cleveland, coworkers of the world unite in duh, darkthroning in the city, office warfare
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Aero Zeppelin!
I'm not crazy, she's the one that's crazy, oh wait.
Dread Zeppelin!
thatgirl, the institution's on line one for you.
if, gah! Blaster master from the past. But the danger of being exposed to such ridiculousness outweighs wasting bandwidth on The Important Things I Don't Have And Never Will Have Control Over Blues.
Doesn't matter, the dirigible's hot air is about to run out anyway!
Hot air is the ultimate renewable resource, Vodka Zeppelin rules!
Graves, you swine!
There's a booklie house in Cleveland doesn't scan correctly, and even in your inebriety you should know that.
Try instead
"There is a house in Clevelandistan..."
Why do I have to do everything around here?
Go back to English class, hippie, we're rockin' &/or rollin'.
"Oh the humanity!"
Paraphrasing Eric Burdon and Limp Bizkit in the same post -- now THAT'S versatility.
jim, I was waiting for someone to do that!
tom, wait, what? Where the fuck did I paraphrase those fuckers? Christ, I should be drawn & quartered just for the coincidence.
Lek wp³ynie [url=]Perfumeria internetowa[/url] obni¿enie wch³aniania bazy tluszczowych za pomoc¹ cz³owieczy stworzenie. Owo zupe³nie nowy œrodek w celu bia³og³owy, jakie reflektuj¹ odchudziæ siê tudzie¿ ukoñczyæ na prze³o¿ony bieg posi³ków. Œrodek ów aprobuje wzmóc efektywnoœæ odchudzania o 45 % w zestwieniu spoœród wdro¿eniem [url=]Perfumeria[/url] jeno diety i æwiczeñ fizycznych. Farmaceutyk ów uzyskasz w aptece internetowej. Zapraszamy a¿ do aktywnej online taniej apteki internetowej po koncentraty oraz po dane o farmaceutykach. Góry tedy alli Faworyzujemy ta¿ krain¹ daninê œrodków a istotnie posiad³oœci¹ satysfakcjê zwiedzaj¹cych paginê. Apteka internetowa jest jak¹œ spoœród siedmiu w najwiêkszym stopniu specjalnych zaœ wybornych siê portali zapewniaj¹cych zaopatrywanie plonów farmacetycznych.Musimy daæ zobaczyæ obecnie trzy osobniki prepratów. Nasza apteka o jakiej zapisujemy dzia³a w tryb bezawaryjny tudzie¿ wyrzuca [url=]Perfumeria internetowa[/url] wyci¹gi w cugu zaledwie niejakiego dnia od chwili momentu sporz¹dzenia twojego zamówienia. W³aœnie spoœród tego nabywa zjawiskowe [url=]Perfumeria[/url] diagnostyki pacjentów. Na chudy brzuszekJest sporo za³¹czników diety na schudniêcie. Do dog³êbnych nale¿¹ te zawieraj¹ce w magazynie l-karnitynê, pomimo tego rzeczwiœcie wypróbowanym oraz a pokazanym postêpowaniem byæ mo¿e zaaprobowaæ siê jedynie alli posiadaj¹cy tzw.orlistat.Dieta niemniej zaœ æwiczenie fizyczne w ogromnym stopniu postanawiaj¹ o nieskazitelnym zrzuceniu [url=]Perfumeria[/url] istotnoœci.Na menopauzêMenopauza istnieje kiedy niekiedy, jak krwawienie koñczy, natomiast jajniki ca³kowicie obcuj¹ wytwarzaæ jajeczka. Na menopazuê czynne s¹ takie preparaty gdy diohespan max, diosminex obejmuj¹ce diosminê. Trwanie menopauzy chocia¿ nie zdradza w celu buzi pieknej tragedii i trzeba z ni¹ siê zmierzyæ.
Randal, your eclecticism attracts a more diverse following all the time. Now, a (Polish?) spammer wants in on the act. Maybe it was the vodka reference, or the fact the dirigible is sausage shaped.
Whatever, be careful; it's a jungle out here.
We Parmastanis know that Vodka Zeppelin is not only a balalaika tribute to the greatest classic rock band of all time, but also a perfumerie of great fragrance indeed.
SWA, I hope spambot's intentions are good, as I'm a big fan of solidarność with the unwashed masses.
thatgirl, dammit, an ad for such a fragrance would have been the perfect follow-up to Freedom Rock.
Wanna catch classic rock hunks & honeys, splash on a little Vodka Zeppelin.
Randal, you're being followed by that blimp, its the NSA.
Randal: On Limp Bizkit's first CD, one of the songs contained "all I wanted was a Pepsi, just one Pepsi, far from suicidal..."
Come on, I know you're a Fred Durst fan. Fess up.
Wow, for coming of age in the halcyon days of terrible aggro nu-metal, I did not know that Fred Durst ripped off a Suicidal Tendencies song.
Now that that's cleared up, I feel less nauseous.
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