Bin Laden's new appearances underline the failure to find the terror leader that President Bush vowed in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks to take "dead or alive."If one could've shown the world in 2002 this article, there would've been soul-straining outrage, aneurysms and spittle-soaked sidewalks. Now, not so much. Sure, some talking heads on both sides will issue reassuring platitudes and speak about our lost loved ones, but the occupation will go on, the Democrats won't do what's necessary to stop it - being scared shitless of an unpopular, petulant child and his minions - and bin Laden will someday die a free man, having achieved one of his goals of turning the Great Satan into a worldwide laughingstock, not least among the Iraqis themselves. They don't matter, nor do the American people. But don't worry, bloodthirsty 28-percenters, you can save the Cheetohs-fueled rage for something important, like Teh Gay, the Invasion of the Swarthy or the Godly cause of blastocyst-Americans. Us lefties will never forget 9/11. Kind of hard to when every day brings more death.
On Sunday, Bush's homeland security adviser Francis Fragos Townsend sought to play down bin Laden's importance - and added a taunt, saying he was "virtually impotent."
But terrorism experts say al-Qaida's core leadership is regrouping in the lawless Pakistan-Afghanistan border region.

"Those wacky terrorists. What're you gonna do?"
being scared shitless of an unpopular, petulant child and his minions
They're also scared shitless of an electorate that's so easily manipulated by this unpopular, petulant child and his minions.
I hate to diss my fellow citizens, but come on -- some of them have the attention span and the information-retaining ability of a coked up gerbil.
I hate to diss my fellow citizens, but come on --
some of them have the attention span and the
information-retaining ability of a coked up
Truer words have never been uttered, and they encapsulate
everything that's frustrating about the brouhaha surrounding each new poll. "70% of Americans want us out
of Iraq! 93% of Americans like cake!" Their minds are so malleable, and not in a good, Enlightenment kind of
And then you have the Dems, who seemingly refuse to push hard against these guys. "But Waxman or [insert Dem of your choice] said/did this!" Great. Wasn't Harriet Miers suppose to appear before the House Judiciary Committee? This'll be Watergate and Iran-Contra all over again. Mere history, water under the bridge, let bygones be bygones, let's all move on and watch So You Think You Can Macramé.
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