Saturday, July 26, 2008

I'm scared of people who comment on a one word post. [insert blood curdling scream here]



Commander Zaius said...

Vampires, zombies, the Borg, and Dittoheads scare me. But Dittoheads and the Borg might be the same thing.

Christopher said...

I left a comment over there but I will leave it here, too.

I'm afraid of waking up next to a nekkid Ann Coulter eating a plate of Balut.

Fran said...

WTF Randal. I'm scared of you, but I continue to frequent the place.

I mean one must lean into one's fears, no?

I am not leaning into that mothefucker McCain though, no way.

susan said...


okjimm said...


Randal Graves said...

BB, almost. The Borg are snappier dressers.

jon, heh.

christopher, shudder.

fran, scary? Moi?

susan, yum!

okjimm, shrug.

Unknown said...

Ditto okjimm's comment.

Tom Harper said...


OK, we've covered 3 of the 4 "W" words that reporters go by. Or are there 5?

Randal Graves said...

We still need who and when. Us, here, done!

Life As I Know It Now said...


that's one word, right?

Christopher said...

I'm afraid of a third Bush term.

okjimm said...


Randal Graves said...

liberality, yes, it is. Fuck, the most versatile word en anglais.

christopher, Scar-ee.

okjimm, Illuminati?

Christopher said...

I'm afraid of being gang raped by a group of fat, ancient Bohemian Grove neocons led by Dick Cheney's dick.

Utah Savage said...

I'm afraid of all of you, and I'm going to hide.

Bradda said...


Freida Bee said...


Distributorcap said...

i know a good therapist for you

Anonymous said...

The only thing you have to fear is fear itself.

ThoughtCriminal said...

Say "What?" again! I dare you! I double-dare you!

Randal Graves said...

I think you all do scare me.

dcap, too expensive. Much cheaper to be weird, don't you think?

Non Je Ne Regrette Rien said...

Comment?? (I speak zee Franche now)

DivaJood said...


The Cunning Runt said...


The Cunning Runt said...


Blank said...

Again with the naked Ann Coulter, Christopher! Like it's not enough to terrify me on my own blog!

68 comments, RG. That IS a bit scary. As, as I said over there, only 60 of them were from Doozie.

Randal Graves said...

JNRR, je m'excuse mais je ne parle pas français. sprechen sie english?

diva, hmmm?

TCR, encore?

SWB, no nightmares from his scenario just yet, thanks to that human sacrifice I performed.

Only 60? Slacker.

Dean Wormer said...

I'm scared of normal people.

If I ever meet one I don't know what I'll do.

Mary Ellen said...

I'm scared of the Pope...he has creepy eyes.

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid I'm a little late to this post. And of course, the terr-ists... always afraid of them.

puddy said...


Dr. Zaius said...


Swinebread said...

People who do that are FREAKS! Watch out for them!