Thursday, October 29, 2009

Chuck Biscuits Flower Hour Ain't A Corpse Yet

On your grave, dude. R.I.P. (eventually)


Laura said...

It's always VERY sad when a Canadian dies.
He was so young. :(


Ubermilf said...

I'm sorry about this dead guy, but I also must say IF YOUR DEMENTED "starter sentence" gets chosen for Flash Fiction Friday, I'm going to choke you.

Life As I Know It Now said...

Dang, what a hard life. I always freak out when someone dies and they are younger than I am. Shhh...

Mary Ellen said...

That's sad. I love drummers...and he was too young. Everyone should live long enough to be rude and make loud bodily noises in public without ridicule. RIP. (I'll spare you the religiosity condolences.)

Tom Harper said...

I hadn't heard of him; sorry he died. And trust me, 44 is Young.

I never cared one way or the other about Black Flag. I like Henry Rollins' solo work (Rollins Band) a lot better.

Holte Ender said...

Chuck was surrounded by his family a great way to go.

Dr. Zaius said...

Did he used to play for Spinal Tap? I heard that they had an ongoing issue with drummers...

Commander Zaius said...

Throat cancer sounds like a bad way to go, not that dieing of any other cancer is any better.

Randal Graves said...

sunshine, always about Canuckland with you, ain't it. Now, play some Danzig loud. Your neighbors will love you for it!

übermilf, you can't fool me, I know you voted for it.

liberality, I remember when 44 would have seemed really old. Perspective changes quick.

nunly, Cthulhu welcomes eventual dinners of all faiths.

tom, I prefer Rollins Band, too, but Chuck's best work was with the classic Danzig lineup. Killer stuff.

holte, I don't know, I've got a lot of wingnuts in my family, I'd rather be surrounded by naked babes.

dr.zaius, their drummers only explode. I think it's in their contract.

BB, I'm not sure what the relative pain threshold is for the various cancers, but I can't imagine throat is real high on the groovy list.