In the comments to my Angry White Man post, POP wondered when I was going to go all French on everyone again. Given that she's a fan of The Fucking Cowboys, it's probably some snarky jingoistic crap 'cause all fans of The Fucking Cowboys are Junior Bush Rangers, sporting those FSM-awful ten-gallon hats stuffed full of taxpayer dollars they got from yet another corporate bailout, right? Either that or it's some French maid deal and even though I've got the sexy gams to pull it off, this is a family-friendly internets website and I prefer to be a sharp-dressed man. I'll leave the cross-dressing to Rudy! and fans of Frank N. Furter. Man, I fucking hate that movie.
I've got jack shit today, alors, pour vous, quelque musique française.
L'ouverture d'Acte 1 de Platée de Rameau, dirigé par Marc Minkowski.
Comme les américains disent, that's some good shit.
En plus, le 18 septembre 1180, le roi de France, Louis VII, est mort et son fils, Philippe II Auguste, est devenu le nouveau roi et il était un fois que j'ai écrit une dissertation sur Philippe pour la classe. Quelle émotion !
La référence obligatoire à la politique: Bush suce !
Le gasp !
Hier, l'extraterreste Mooselini a apparu à Cleveland !
"I know you're looking forward to us controlling your uterus."
Thursday, September 18, 2008
The Kentucky French Fried Movie Blog
Posted by
Randal Graves
11:20 AM
Labels: 2008 election, cleveland, history is fun, i love/hate france, i'm a lazy lazy man, music
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"Psst, Shirley? I've got some hand sanitizer stashed in my bag. Let the trollop move along, or she might shoot you with her shotgun before you use it."
...and fans of Frank N. Furter. Man, I fucking hate that movie.
Ducks out of the way of incoming toast being thrown at randal.
What's this about the French in Kentucky? I though they only served Freedom Fries there.
Let me ask you something Randal... you think Palin is telling woman she's shaking hands with "tremble before me beeyach.... one day your uterus will be mine"?
En plus, le 18 septembre 1180, le roi de France, Louis VII, est mort et son fils, Philippe II Auguste, est devenu le nouveau roi et il était un fois que j'ai écrit une dissertation sur Philippe pour la classe. Quelle émotion !
AHA! French Speaking Terrorist Fifth Columnist!
Randal -
"Don't got hot and flustered,
Use a bit of Mustard."
-Frank N. Furter, Rocky Horror Picture Show
diva, "It's okay if I shoot these moose, right?"
"Those are people, Governor."
dean, I've got my stick of Land O' Lakes and my knife, bring it on, chumps.
spartacus, I'm not sure if she uses 'beeyach,' but who knows what is being said during that alien mind meld.
okjimm, dammit, I wanted to be part of the Sixth Column! They've got a much better dental plan.
UC, you cheeky bastard!
I loved that music!
"I know you're looking forward to us controlling your uterus."
"Governor, it's an honor to meet a uterus-bearer of your stature."
Did you see McCandy let her inner Eve Harrington slip out today?
She referred to the "Palin/McCain ticket."
Yep, the Old Coot hasn't even had a recurrence of melanoma yet and she is already putting herself at the top of the ticket.
I've got the YouTube video up of her latest faux pas.
I'm planning on asking for a government bailout.
Mooselini est un fuckin 'chatte et un spécimen dérangé déçus de Biblicus Douchebagus.
I've been studying at L'Ecole de la Google Translate. How'm I doing?
fran, Rameau knew how to fuck shit up, in a good way.
BE, despite having one of her own, wouldn't she more properly be addressed as uterus-hoarder?
"This one's mine, and that one's mine. Oh, and this lovely one right here!"
christopher, well, in an emotional sense, she's not wrong. Didn't a bunch of folks get up and leave after Mooselini spoke and before McFossil waddled on up to the mic?
missy, are you an incorporated acolyte of Gordon Gekko? No? Then do not pass Go, do not collect $200, go directly to jail.
tom, when murkans use The Google to transliterate furrin speechifiers like frog, it shows that youz edumacated and that we didn't leave childrens behind.
Less government intrusion? Absolutely. We'll only control the rights of people you don't agree with? Hee-hee-hee.
"quelque musique française".. forgive me for being pedantic, but that does not make any sense..
Perhaps "de la musique française" would sound better.
mon dieur, j'adore le nom "Mooselini"!!!! (je te dit, "Plus, Plus, s'il te plait!"
angie, you've got a bright future in the Republican party!
anajo, yikes! You're right! Je reste le maître de l'anglicisme ! Thanks for pointing that out.
JNRR, oh merde, pratiquons-nous à ce moment ? C'est trop tôt !
Randal, speaking of shooting the moose, I have breaking news on my post.
De rien Randal. ;)
Diva's first post left me laughing for the first time today. "Psst Shirley, I've got hand sanitizer in my purse!"
Ha! Philip A Divorcé sa femme et a expulsé tous juifs du demesne, et a confisqué leurs articles. Le Nazi fichu, si ytou me demande.
anajo, croyez-moi, j'ai toujours besoin d'aider ! :)
utah, are we still allowed to laugh though? That's the question of the hour!
dr. zaius, et on ne doit pas oublier Louis IX, Saint *cough* Louis. Il était aussi anti-juif comme beaucoup de chrétiens pendant cette époque.
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