Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Cleveland 3, The Fucking Yankees 1

Talking Head A: Did you see how we fucked The Fucking Yankees?
Talking Head B: Fuck The Fucking Yankees!
Talking Head A: And when we fucking fucked The Fucking Yankees?
Talking Head B: Fucking A, how we fucked The Fucking Yankees!

You want insightful, in-depth analysis of the series' major trends such as The Fucking Yankees inability to deal with some bugs, the assorted minutiae of how The Greatest Lineup In The History Of The Known Universe stunk up the joint in not one, but two American cities, and the quirky trivia of why Johnny Damon is a sellout hack who isn't shunned enough, go watch ESPN because all that matters to the proprietor of this ridiculous corner of the internets, and all that should matter to you, unless you're a fan of The Fucking Yankees in which case ha-fucking-ha ad infinitum until your head explodes from the monolithic repetition of that childish taunt, its incessant hammering increasing the pressure in your skull until it splatters its contents so violently that even OxyClean couldn't erase such a mess, is that we fucked The Fucking Yankees.

Now that's the sentence Proust would've wrote on this series if he decided to try his hand at replacing his actual talent with my juvenile vulgarity. And if he had not, you know, died 85 years ago. But I think it's pretty safe to say that he wouldn't have rooted for our Madame Verdurin, The Fucking Yankees.


Candace said...

Now THAT was Proustian. Mind if I borrow that for my selection to take to the children's writing conference?

Cowboys 5-0

Randal Graves said...

Sure, if you want to not be asked next year. :)

Cowboys, a LUCKY 5-0. I still have no idea how they pulled that game out. I feel bad for Buffalo. They're not very good, but they've gotten shafted by fate twice in the last 10 seconds of two games already.

PoliShifter said...

Well, I like learning new things. I have never heard of Proust before so I had to look him up. Now I feel compelled to read his In Search of Lost Time.

Randal Graves said...

DEFINITELY worth the read. The newer Viking translation is great, but only the first four have been translated in for the US, thank you, Sonny Bono. But all 7 were translated for the UK marketplace. I think the only difference is that certain French passages/phrases are still in the original French in the UK version. There's also the old Scott Moncrieff translation from the 30s and John Sturrock's Penguin Classics one.